Battle Pass Tokens: Spend or Save?


We've passed the halfway point for Battle Pass: Season X, and you'll soon be ready to spend your Battle Pass Tokens and Battle Pass Points. There are tons of rewards up for grabs, including rare vehicles, Bounty Equipment, special crew members, and more. Here's a refresher on how to earn these currencies, where to spend them, and what you can buy!

How to Earn Battle Pass Tokens

Battle Pass Tokens are exclusive to Chapter Base and Improved Rewards, and can be used to purchase rare Tier IX reward vehicles, Bounty Equipment, and Personal Reserves. Obtain up to 21 Battle Pass Tokens from the Season X Progression (12 from Base Rewards and 9 from Improved Rewards), plus up to 3 additional Tokens for gathering Collection Elements.

Collections will be a staple of every Season in 2023, so please see our dedicated article for more information.

How to Earn Battle Pass Points

Use your Battle Pass Points in the in-game Store to purchase progressive 3D styles and crew members from earlier Seasons, as well as bonds. Battle Pass Points can be earned in:

  • All types of Random Battles (except Grand Battles)
  • Frontline Battles
  • Onslaught Battles
  • Daily Missions
Access Conditions
Once you have completed all of the Stages in each Chapter, items will become available for purchase from the in-game Store, and will remain available until the end of the Season on May 31. Even if you haven't completed the Progression yet, you can still view the items on offer. After completing the Chapters, your Points will continue to accumulate until the end of the Season.
Repeated Access
Complete all three Chapters during each new Battle Pass Season to unlock items.
Battle Pass Points
Points accumulate as you progress through the Battle Pass Stages. You can always purchase missing Stages via the Battle Pass interface.
Available Items for Points
Items for Points remain available until the end of the Season. Once the Store section closes, any leftover Points will disappear.

Where to Spend Battle Pass Tokens & Points

Put your Tokens and Points to good use! In the Garage, click STORE, and then EVENT REWARDS. Here, you can find Items for Tokens and Items for Points.

Items for Tokens

The following items can be purchased at any time while the Store is available. Tokens collected during the 2023 Battle Pass Seasons are valid until December 20, 2023.

  • Vehicles
  • Equipment, Bonds, & Personal Reserves

Season X introduces two new vehicles: the IX BZ-58-2 , which will cost you 24 Tokens, and the IX KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK , which requires 27 Tokens. You can earn 21 Tokens as Base and Improved Rewards in the Season X Progression and earn 3 more Tokens by gathering the Collection. This means you can definitely make the BZ-58-2 your goal for the Season. Or, since Tokens accumulate over the course of the year, you can save up all your Tokens and grab the KPz 3 right after the next Season starts.

Please see our dedicated article on these two vehicles for more information.

Vehicle Suggestions: See which vehicle fits your playstyle best with our quick comparison guide. You can see the Premium/Tech Tree/Collectors' vehicles in the left column that are similar to the Battle Pass reward vehicles in the right column:




...tank destroyer snipers with two-mode siege and travel modes:

IX KPz 3 Projekt 07 HK

27Battle Pass Tokens

...imposing heavy tanks with tough turrets and big guns:

IX BZ-58-2

24Battle Pass Tokens

...autoloaders that can surprise enemies with mobility and burst fire:

IX Cobra

24Battle Pass Tokens

...speedy heavy tanks with powerful single-round cannons:

IX Lorraine 50 t

18Battle Pass Tokens

...medium tanks that utilize sniper-like tactics on unsuspecting enemies:

IX Kunze Panzer

12Battle Pass Tokens and loose medium tanks that can hit enemies while on the move:

IX Char Futur 4

9Battle Pass Tokens

...fixed-cannon tank destroyers with tough frontal armor and good top speeds:

IX K-91-PT

9Battle Pass Tokens

...heavy tanks with a fairly low profile and a big cannon:

IX Object 777 Version II

9Battle Pass Tokens

...heavy tanks with good turret armor and a large-caliber cannon:

IX AE Phase I

9Battle Pass Tokens

During the season you can purchase one of each piece of Bounty Equipment, including the brand-new Bounty Hardening. Other items available for purchase include bonds and a Personal Reserve (×2 bonus: +50% to credits earned in battle for 1 hour). Remember, you can upgrade your Bounty Equipment with credits.

Bounty Turbocharger Bounty Rammer Bounty Gun Laying Drive
3Battle Pass Tokens 3Battle Pass Tokens 3Battle Pass Tokens
Bounty Ventilation Bounty Optics Bounty Stabilizer
3Battle Pass Tokens 3Battle Pass Tokens 3Battle Pass Tokens
Bounty Protection Technology Bounty Rotation Mechanism Bounty Aiming
3Battle Pass Tokens 3Battle Pass Tokens 3Battle Pass Tokens
Bounty Exhaust System Bounty Hardening 100 bonds
3Battle Pass Tokens 3Battle Pass Tokens 3Battle Pass Tokens
Personal Reserve
1Battle Pass Token

Items for Points

Once you have completed the three Chapters of Season X (Sandstorm, Southern Cross, and Dune Road), the following Season I–VII and IX items will become available for purchase using Battle Pass Points.

Remember to spend your Battle Pass Points before the end of the Season in order to redeem your rewards. Otherwise, all unused Points will disappear!

  • Exterior
  • Crew Members
  • Bundles With Bonds
Sentry 3D Style
(for the Super Conqueror)
Fluffy 3D Style
(for the Object 277)
Storm 3D Style
(for the TVP T 50/51)
5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points
Pipeline 3D Style
(for the M48A5 Patton)
Condor 3D Style
(for the T110E5)
Newt 3D Style
(for the IS-4)
5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points
Welsh Blues 3D Style
(for the T110E3)
Icebreaker 3D Style
(for the 121)
Polar Bear 3D Style
(for the Object 705A)
5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points
Charles Martel 3D Style
(for the AMX 50 B)
Lancelot 3D Style
(for the FV217 Badger)
Błyskawica 3D Style
(for the CS-63)
5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points
Gascon 3D Style
(for the AMX M4 mle. 54)
Primipilus 3D Style
(for the Centurion Action X)
Svyatogor 3D Style
(for the Object 268)
5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points
Trettonde 3D Style
(for the Kranvagn)
Reiter 3D Style
(for the Leopard 1)
Freight Train 3D Style
(for the T110E4)
5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points
Le Vizir 3D Style
(for the AMX 13 105)
Cesare 3D Style
(for the Progetto M40 mod. 65)
Bernard 3D Style
(for the 60TP Lewandowskiego)
5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points 5,000Battle Pass Points

Each of the following crew members comes with Brothers in Arms as a zero perk and enough Crew XP to train two more perks.

Vasiliy Badaev Shan Ling George Barton
3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points
Jean-Marc Lemartin Katarzyna Chodkiewicz Douglas McReed
3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points
Christophe Lemartin Louise Hamilton Andrey Pokrovskiy
3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points
Marie Fredriksson Siegfried Hammel Benjamin Willard
3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points
Józef Matijewski Isabelle Norette Marco Ingannamorte
3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points
100 Bonds 200 Bonds 300 Bonds
1,000Battle Pass Points 2,000Battle Pass Points 3,000Battle Pass Points

Remember to spend your Battle Pass Points before the end of Season X on May 31 and use your Battle Pass Tokens before December 20!

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